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Ministry activities are generally planned and led by ministry leaders and co-leaders. However, input and direction is obtained from the congregation's ministering evangelist or designated brothers. The activities must not conflict with commands or principles in the Bible. Further, they must be in harmony with the congregations vision , mission and goals.

Building and Grounds

This ministry is responsible for the appearance and up keep of the church building and grounds. Primarily, the church custodian has this responsibility. However, additional members assist with this responsibility occasionally. ​


​This ministry collects the address and phone numbers of and endeavors to keep the church directory current. The directory is an invaluable tool that facilitates membership shepherding, fellowship, and  inter-church communication. 



The church bulletin is called "The Edifier". It began its initial circulation in 1981. The bulletin has been distributed weekly since 1981. The current year of the Edifier is volume 33.  The bulletin includes articles by the minister, photos, news bulletins, the order of worship. biographies of guest ministers, and many other entries. It's an outstanding publication. the congregation's electronic sign is an extension of this ministry.​

​Visitors Follow-Ups​

This ministry secure visitors cards and other information and follows up on visitor requests. Post cards or letters are mailed to visitors. Some visitors requests necessitate phone calls and follow up ministerial contacts, classes, or other activities.  ​



​​Technology: Audio/Video/Web/Media

​This ministry studies church worship and activities and determines how technology can facilitate communication of the church, its message, and activities to the world. The ministry's leaders believe that technology can be incorporated with great benefit to our comprehensive web site has been established to introduce the church on the World Wide Web. The web site can greatly assist the church's ministries in communicating the church and its message locally and nationally. the ministry has the conviction that innovative 21st century technology can be used effectively, efficiently, and helpfully in promulgating the age old 1st century gospel of Christ.

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